Growth Mindset

How to Believe in Yourself: The Inner Voice We All Need In Life

STATGROWTH TEAM on May 24, 2022 0 Comments

Believe in Yourself

When life seems like a never ending stream of failure, it’s easy to start believing that you’re just not good enough. You might feel like you’ll never get that opportunity again or that things will never change – but this is all just an illusion. When we give up on ourselves, it only makes us weaker. It doesn’t make us stronger or better equipped to deal with future challenges – as a matter of fact, it makes our lives harder! If you ever find yourself in a situation where you don’t believe in yourself anymore, here are some tips and tricks to help you get back on track and keep going. Keep reading to learn more!

Change your perspective

What is your perspective on failure and what does it mean to you? Are you going to let it define you or are you going to use it as a stepping stone towards success? Small failures can be used as stepping stones to help you grow and learn so you don’t make those same mistakes again in the future. Failure isn’t a sign that you aren’t good enough or that you aren’t capable or worthy of success – it’s just a normal part of life. If you’re failing, that just means that you’re trying new things and pushing yourself out of your comfort zone – not a bad thing at all! Just because you’ve failed at something once doesn’t mean that you’ll always fail – if you use what you’ve learned from failure to propel yourself forward, you’ll find that you’ll succeed at a whole lot more.

Stop comparing yourself to others

This is the worst thing you can do to yourself; comparing yourself to other people. We all have different skill sets, levels of abilities, and life experiences – so how can you expect to have the exact same as someone else? If you’re constantly comparing yourself to other people and you’re constantly coming up short, you’re just going to end up feeling worse about yourself. Instead of comparing yourself to other people, try to find ways to get comfortable with who you are and what you’ve accomplished so far. It doesn’t matter if other people have gone farther than you or are more successful than you at the moment – the only thing that matters is what you’re doing to get yourself to where you want to be. You can’t control other people’s decisions or actions, but you can control what you do and how you react to things.

Be proud of what you’ve already accomplished

Sometimes, it can be hard to be proud of yourself when you feel like you’ve accomplished so little in comparison to others. You might find yourself thinking that no one is going to take you seriously when they look at your resume or they see how little you’ve actually done so far. If you’re struggling to find reasons to be proud of yourself, try looking back at all the things you’ve accomplished throughout your life. Think about your childhood passions, things you’ve tried but failed at, and everything you’ve done so far. You’ve got more to be proud of than you realize. Sometimes, we’re just too close to our own lives to see the positive things we’ve done. Take some time to reflect on how far you’ve come, how much you’ve grown, and all the things you’ve accomplished so far.

Celebrate your small wins

Did you find a new job that you’re excited about? Did you complete an online course or finish a big project at work? Did you start building a new relationship or learn something new that has helped you grow and understand yourself better? These are all small wins and celebrating them can help you feel more positive about yourself and your future. Make sure you’re taking time to look back at all the small wins you’ve accomplished and learn to appreciate them even more. If you keep letting yourself forget about everything you’ve accomplished so far, you’re going to find it even harder to believe in yourself. You don’t have to wait until the end of a long, difficult journey to feel proud of what you’ve accomplished – you can celebrate the small wins along the way.

Be grateful for what you have now

Sometimes, we get so caught up in the things that we want and we don’t have that we forget to be grateful for all the things we already have. You’ve come so far and you’ve accomplished more than you realize – don’t forget to be grateful for that. This can help you to realize that you don’t need a certain outcome in order to be proud of yourself and to believe in yourself – you just need to be proud of who you are and what you’ve accomplished so far.

Don’t forget why you started in the first place

Why did you decide to pursue your passions in the first place? Why did you decide to start working towards your goals? What motivated and inspired you to get where you are today? If you forget about why you started on this journey in the first place, it can be easy for you to get discouraged or feel like you don’t deserve to be where you are now. Remembering why you decided to pursue your passions and goals in the first place can help you to feel empowered and confident again. You know what you want to accomplish and how far you’ve come – so don’t let any setbacks or failures hold you back any longer.


When life seems like a never ending stream of failure, it’s easy to start believing that you’re just not good enough. You might feel like you’ll never get that opportunity again or that things will never change – but this is all just an illusion. When we give up on ourselves, it only makes us weaker. It doesn’t make us stronger or better equipped to deal with future challenges – as a matter of fact, it makes our lives harder! If you ever find yourself in a situation where you don’t believe in yourself anymore, there are some tips and tricks you can follow to help you get back on track and keep going. Change your perspective, stop comparing yourself to others, be proud of what you’ve already accomplished, celebrate your small wins, and don’t forget why you started in the first place.

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